
"Because music is a basic expression of human culture, every student should have access to a balanced, comprehensive and sequential program of study in music." (National Standards for Art Education p. 26)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Why Become A Music Teacher?

The desire to teach does not fall from the sky. Many people wanted to be music teachers from childhood, but choose alternative fields that offer higher salaries, more advancement opportunities and special benefits. Some enjoy long careers then teach post-retirement to connect with the music world. Often, mature adults believe they are too old to start music careers. Instead, they choose to work as professional substitute music teachers, which allow flexibility to pursue another musical interest. Others are frustrated musicians tired of living from gig to gig and working odd jobs with long hours, demanding management and outrageous workloads in stressful environments that function contrary to requirements for successful music presentations. This places the musician in a position of choosing. When a job transforms a musician’s skill into a hobby it is necessary to search for something better, something that will accommodate both needs. A common secondary option is teaching music.
To become a music teacher you must love children. Most teachers possess a natural ability to nurture and provide for children. They are able to foster an environment that allows children to benefit from positive attention and interaction. The general responsibilities of music educators are to continue developing new musicians and music lovers. Music teachers encourage desires to learn and develop that enthusiasm for music. By default, valuable teacher-student relationships are established and remembered throughout life.

Whatever area of music you decide to teach it is very important to know the craft. This can be accomplished by performing and practicing to remain current in techniques, methods, literature and all the culminates your area of expertise. The more focus given to being a musician the better teacher you can become.  Attend performances of other musicians. Learn from their successes and mistakes.  Gain knowledge about multiple instruments and their history. All will broaden personal knowledge and students understanding.

I believe people become teachers because they love learning and deep down inside they always wanted to be part of that community. The love for children and passion for music merely identifies their unique place amongst educators.

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